domenica 16 agosto 2009

Better Than a Thousand - Just one (1997)

Sempre per continuare il filone "Anni '90:i migliori in assoluto!"ecco a voi il back progect di Ray of Today (al secolo Ray Cappo) cantante degli Shelter e di Graham Land e da Ken Olden dei Battery.
Pur essendo partito come un progetto collaterale alle loro band, fecero 3 dischi tre tour all'estero più diversi tour americani...magari a farlo io un back porgect così!
Comunque questo è il loro disco più bello e particolarmete belli sono alcui testi come quello di when season change che ivi vi riporto:

You've got to let me grow, got to let me be me.
Did you really think that time would freeze?
A stagnant stand still just see - see what you've got?
To know you've got to grow, got to move from your spot.

When summers gone and autumn comes and
everything has changed.
Why is it so strange? Why should we complain?

Stuck in the scene circles as fads grow and die.
But positive living and thoughtful thinking don't apply.
We must learn what to embrace and what to throw away
or we'll make the same mistakes tomorrow that we beat yesterday.

When summers gone and autumn comes and
everything has changed.
Why is it so strange? Why should we complain?

When seasons change will I stay same?


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